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Creativity to Results

Blogging on topics that elevate web design and web developement to it's full potential.

11ty static site builder

Eleventy collections using the built in tags key

by Jeremy Faucher on Jun 15, 2024

As the Eleventy Documentation lays out, using the tags key in your front matter or JSON helps create collections of content. This is the primary function of Eleventy tags and is an inherent method for organizingRead more...


11ty Starter Blog theme

After years of working with WordPress, I started looking for an alternative that was lighter and easier to manage. A couple of years ago I came across 11ty and have been using it ever since.

get started with my 11ty blog theme

Create a blog with 11ty and my starter theme. It has a SEO template, uses epic-css utility-first grid and flexbox.
source code live demo

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Offering my best advice, research and how-tos.

  • JavaScript and React

    Create a true masonry layout

    by Jeremy Faucher on Jun 6, 2024

    In a masonry style layout, elements of different heights are displayed in a staggered way. We typically see these layouts on websites like Pinterest. This has become a very popular pattern in UI design, because it allowsRead more...

  • JavaScript and React

    Dropdown toggle

    by Jeremy Faucher on May 18, 2024

    Dropdown toggles help make interfaces cleaner and more accessible. By hiding options that are not immediately necessary, they prevent information overload and streamline user workflows. This is especially important for sideRead more...

  • HTML and CSS

    Customize inherited button browser styles

    by Jeremy Faucher on May 13, 2024

    Buttons play a crucial role in web design and accessibility by providing interactive elements for users. However, default browser styles often clash with design aesthetics or interfere with custom styling, affecting theRead more...

  • Create Markdown Page Template with Shell Script

    Create digital products that behave like people

    by Jeremy Faucher on Jan 16, 2024

    Consider what it is about your favorite websites or digital services that share a common trait. It's their human like interactions that bring us joy and give us the jelly clicks. The ability of a product or service toRead more...